Welcome to the Mission of Discipleship

The mission of discipleship that Jesus extends to his followers is one The Navigators have always taken to heart. The Navigators have made significant contributions to the global discipleship effort, engaging relationally and using resources. We want to make this approach accessible to all people. 

We have found it helpful to use the following questions to ensure we are focused on the life-giving heart of Jesus as we think through what discipleship means:

We hope this illustration provides some encouragement and guidance for you to do simple things that have a big impact:

One of the main components of this app is activity recording. Recording activities will let you share with others these practices that we believe lead to a deeper connection to Jesus.

The three actions include Scripture, Prayer, and Martus. Martus is the Greek word for witness, and we feel this is the word that best captures what we envision for recording this type of activity.

To learn more, check out this video: